What is the difference between a stair climber and a stair lift?

Mobile stair climbers are either equipped with a permanent seat or are docked onto the wheelchair from the rear. Since nothing has to be installed and the devices can be dismantled, they can be used on virtually all stairs. Even narrow stairwells and windy stairs can be climbed. Using a stair climber needs an instructed person to stand behind the device and guide it. Stair climbers like the scalamobil are recognized by health insurance companies and can therefore be reimbursed.

Stair lifts are permanently fitted in the staircase and can be used without external assistance. They are therefore ideal for people who do not need a wheelchair or want to live alone and/or be independent. The costs for installing a stair lift vary depending on the number of flights and the type of stairs. They are not usually reimbursed by health insurance companies.

The most important differences at a glance:
Mobile stairclimber
Permanently installed stair lift
Use in narrow stairwells or on windy stairs
Mobile stairclimber

Depending on the wheelchair used

Permanently installed stair lift

Depending on the structural circumstances

Can be used away from the home
Mobile stairclimber


Permanently installed stair lift


Operator needed
Mobile stairclimber


Permanently installed stair lift


Mobile stairclimber

May be reimbursed by health insurance companies (only for Germany). Max. €10 prescription charge (only for Germany)

Permanently installed stair lift

Depending on the number of flights and the type of stairs